Architecture of the absurd

Photosythesis Live!

We´re proud to present our new live video! Enjoy!


Hi there! We are working on a new video with live footage. Yesterday we were recording some tracks and soon you will have news of what happened in that crazy stage!ARCHITECTURE LIVE

Architecture Of The Absurd – Making Of

Once upon a time a bunch of progressive rock musicians decided to make a totally nonsense album called Architecture of the Absurd. Here you have how this weird story was made.

Nothing is what it seems


Did you think our project wasn’t absurd enough yet? We thought that we had reached our limits but no, we hadn’t.

For reasons related to other people’s paranoia, and from this moment on, our name starts being “Architecture of the Absurd” so we are moving to another Facebook page that honors the name and our new web page is

Other than that, nothing changes, tracks haven’t mutated, Marco Minnemann is still the drummer, Damian Erskine still plays the bass and if you already have our record, you might have a treasure in your hands. If you don’t, get it through the usual channels.

We’d just like to ask you to share this message as much as you can so all our followers move with us.

In fact, what the hell? Architecture of the absurd is a much better name!

Thank you! We are right here with you!

The new album is available @ CD Baby!

New album release on December 22nd

ARCHITECTURE OF THE ABSURD is proud to present “Beluga” featuring Marco Minnemann & Damian Erskine.
It will be available on december 22nd @ CD Baby, our website & digital downloads from the main digital download sites (iTunes, Amazon, Cd Baby…).


The video from hell!

Hi! We´re sending the new album to distribution companies, meanwhile we´ve found this video under Lorenzo´s Korg MS 20

The track list!

Ladies and gentlemen! It´s time for our Armageddon of music, humor, nonsense and absurdities. Please welcome to our new album´s Track List!

Beluga track list

Choose the postcards for our Deluxe Pack!!

Hi everyone! We’re discussing our special pack contents for the new record, “Beluga” and as you all are part of Architecture of the Absurd we want your opinion. Choose two of these pics, you can visit the links below each one to enter our facebook and then click “like” or just tell us wich one you prefer! C’mon people! Give us a hand!

And of course we want to say thanks to all of you who are suporting us buying our record in advance here!

Thanks a lot to everyone!!!


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Do you wanna be part of Architecture of the Absurd?

Hi everybody! Do you wanna be part of Beluga’s new project Architecture of the Absurd?” Contribute in our crowdfounding here and you’ll be gratefully rewarded!! Share and spread the disease!!